Meyer & Depew is dedicated to enhancing your home and business comfort, trust, and reliability every day. Our blog is designed to help provide the tools you need to get the most out of your HVAC system.

Preparing your Home Heating System for the Cold Weather
November is here and everyone is finally recovering from the long, hot summer months. To the delight of many, the soaring temperatures of August persisted well into September and unseasonably warm conditions continued through the greater part of October. We’re now beginning to experience cooler temperatures, but it was only a few weeks ago that […]

Record All-Time High Temperature Set Today in Newark, NJ
The National Weather Service reported that a new All-Time High Temperature was recorded today at Newark Airport. 108 degrees beat the old record of 105 degrees which was last reached in 1993. Meyer & Depew Co. is open late and we’ll be answering service calls until the phones stop ringing! Call us if you need […]

Robert J. Ring – 1938-2011
We’re sad to report the passing of our company Chairman Robert J. Ring. He started here in 1961 and was partners with his son Bobby. He inspired all of us and instilled in us the pricipal that if something was worth doing, it was worth doing right. His dedication to his family and God are […]

Guarantee #5: No Lemons Guarantee
If the compressor in your air conditioning condensing unit fails twice in the first five years we will install a complete and new condensing unit. If the heat exchanger in your furnace fails in the first 10 years, we will install a complete and new furnace.

Guarantee #4 – Same-Day Service Guarantee
For any system that we install that is still under warranty and has been properly maintained, we will respond to any request for service the same day that you request it. We will solve your problem within 24 hours, and if we are unable to keep our promise, we will put you in a local […]

Guarantee #3: Safety & Security
The third in a series regarding our unique guarantees. All employees of Meyer & Depew Co. are tested for drug and alcohol use. Driving records are regularly checked and criminal background investigations are conducted to ensure that you can trust the people we send to work in your home or office. In this day and […]

Guarantee No. 2 – "Property Guarantee"
This is the second post in a series where we are highlighting our unique guarantees. Today we are going to feature our Propery Guarantee. “All property such as lawns, shrubbery, furniture, doorframes, walls, floors and ceilings are protected during the installation of your new system. If any of your property is damaged, it will be […]

A/C Tune-Up Special – Save $75 or MORE!
To help homeowners prepare for the coming cooling season, Meyer & Depew Co. is pleased to announce that homeowners can save $75 on our certified A/C Tune-Up, now only $89! Every residential air conditioning system serviced during our Tune-Up Savings Season is certified against breakdown or we’ll refund the entire cost of the tune-up! For details […]

No Surprise Guarantee
Starting today we’ll be posting a series on our unique guarantees. We’ll start with our “No Surprise Guarantee” which states… “You don’t have to worry about being quoted one price and then being asked to pay for something additional that you had no idea you even needed. The deal you make today is all you […]