Meyer & Depew is dedicated to enhancing your home and business comfort, trust, and reliability every day. Our blog is designed to help provide the tools you need to get the most out of your HVAC system.

The Answer is: A Whole Home Generator
What happens when there is a power failure at your home? Does your basement flood without power to your sump pump? Does food spoil in your refrigerator or freezer? Do you feel disconnected not being able to watch the news on TV or charge your mobile electronics? Honeywell whole-house natural gas-fired generators turn on automatically […]

How Air Purification Can Help Your Allergies
Air Purification for Your New Jersey Home Now that we are FINALLY getting some warm weather here in New Jersey, those pesky allergies are starting to affect everyone. Many homeowners attribute their allergies solely to the air they breathe while outdoors. In reality, the pollution in your home can be up to 100 times worse than […]

Benefits of a High Efficiency Furnace
Has the cold winter taken a toll on your wallet with excessive heating bills? With all the cold weather we’ve has this winter, most homeowners have experienced higher than average heating bills. There are multiple ways to combat high heating bills. You could add zoning to you home (check out last week’s blog on zoning), […]

Air Conditioner Covers
If you have an outdoor air conditioning condenser, make sure it is covered and protected! Meyer & Depew offers custom Air Conditioner covers for use in the winter. These air conditioner covers are custom fit to your specific condenser. Their high quality vinyl construction resists mold and mildew, as well as eliminates condensation build-up. In […]

Meyer & Depew at the NJ Festival of Ballooning
Meyer & Depew will be with our favorite radio station, NJ 101.5 this Saturday and Sunday in Readington, NJ. We will be there from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM both days, so be sure to come find our tent and say hi! We will be offering special coupons, some Meyer & Depew merchandise, and even […]

How to Keep Cool in the Summer
Six Summer Keep Cool Tips During the summer heat, it is important to take advantage of any tips or tricks that can keep the inside of your home as cool as possible. The less you use your air conditioner to cool your home, the less money you will spend on your utility bills. In addition, […]

Selfie Contest Update
As a reminder, we are currently running our “Selfie Contest.” The winner will receive 10 tickets to see the Somerset Patriots. The updated date of the game is Saturday, June 21st at 7:00 PM. We have been getting some great entries so far, and will be posting up some of the entries on Facebook this week, […]

Meyer & Depew Selfie Contest
Win 10 Tickets to See Somerset Patriots Baseball with the Meyer & Depew Selfie Contest! Many of you have seen our latest television commercial, entitled, “Selfie.” If you haven’t, check it out below: We have gotten so much great feedback on the commercial that we wanted to get everyone in on the fun! […]

Whole Home Standby Generators In New Jersey
<align=”left”>During last week’s rain storms, many areas throughout the state were left without power. All of us know what it feels like to be stuck in your home with no power. New Jersey homeowners have been upgrading their homes with whole home standby generators at a record breaking rate since 2012 when we experienced Storm Sandy. It […]