Meyer & Depew is dedicated to enhancing your home and business comfort, trust, and reliability every day. Our blog is designed to help provide the tools you need to get the most out of your HVAC system.

Meyer & Depew Remains Open for Business, Techs Trained to Safely Serve Clients at Home
During this time when Americans have been told to follow shelter-in-place orders amid the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, many households are trying to put new routines in place as they suddenly adjust to working from home, or for the kids learning from home. And whether your home is filled to capacity right now or not, […]

Meyer & Depew Co. Announces Its 2018 Employee Of The Year

Prevent Thunderstorms From Zapping Your Power With A Whole Home Generator
Thunder and lightning and floods, oh my! Read on to see how you can save $1,000 on a new Honeywell Whole Home Generator! The past week has brought multiple aggressive storms to many New Jersey residents. Between lightning and tree damage, there were many reports of power outages throughout the state. We all know the […]

When Should You Replace Your Furnace or Boiler?
Read on for Some Signs That You Need to Replace Your Furnace or Boiler During the winter months, many homeowners wake up or come home to find out their furnace or boiler isn’t working. This can be a very stressful time for many families, making it even harder to decide whether you should repair or […]

Energy Tax Credits, Energy Savings, & More
It’s that time of year in New Jersey where it’s dark and cold, snowy and rainy. However, the middle of the day can warm up your office or home pretty nicely to make you briefly turn on the air conditioning. Cracking your window open might be steady enough to avoid using heating and cooling units […]

Help The Environment & Save Money With Solar Power Energy
We recently had our new 46.83 kW photo voltaic solar power system connected to the grid and we’re now generating our own power! Pretty cool! The system was installed earlier this summer on the roof of our offices in Kenilworth, NJ using every available square foot of space. Our solar vendor, Trinity Solar of Freehold, […]